About us

Our Story

How it all started

Built by entrepreneurs, Ramphastos Investments is a (international) venture capital and private equity firm dedicated to driving topline growth in enterprises in all stages of their evolution: from startups to scale-ups to high-growth medium-sized companies and mature enterprises.

The firm was founded in 1994 by Marcel Boekhoorn, who left a career at Deloitte, after becoming the Netherlands’ youngest partner, to pursue his passion for entrepreneurship. Within a few years, Marcel had grown the firm’s portfolio and invested capital exponentially after realizing spectacular returns through a series of high-profile exits. In doing so, he laid the foundations for the approach toward building businesses that we pursue today: a focus on driving growth on the revenue side of the equation through buy-and-build strategies, marketplace innovation, internationalization, management empowerment and strategic partnerships.

Marcel is joined today at Ramphastos by a team of investment professionals who share his passion for and hands-on approach to business building as well as his upbeat and status quo-challenging mindset. As founders, builders, operators and investors in businesses of all sizes and in all phases in their evolution across multiple sectors and geographies, we bring a wealth of experience to bear. We have successfully created and sold start-ups, launched IPOs and completed de-listings, and we have achieved outsized average returns on investment throughout our firm’s growth. We stand ready to inspire and serve our partners with our sleeves rolled up.

We currently hold interests in more than 20 companies with a cumulative revenue above EUR 1.0 billion and employing more than 1,000 people across a range of sectors from financial services, retail, gaming, new materials and advanced manufacturing and energy and across all continents. We are focused primarily on acquiring majority stakes in companies that meet three criteria: a unique competitive position (through a patent, brand or operational efficiency), strong intrinsic growth potential and favorable underlying trends in the industry or marketplace. Finally, as investors of our own capital, we have the financial independence to take on complex transactions and special situations. We thrive on such opportunities.